The Goal: to take and post at least one picture each day for the entire year that I'm 27.

I find that I rush through the day, to rush through the week, to get to the weekend...just to find that an entire year goes by in the blink of an eye. So, on the eve of my last day as a 26 year old I decided to make a change. I challenged myself to take the time each day and find at least one moment worth remembering, hoping that in this way I will learn to live each day for what it is. For regardless of how uniform the days may feel at a glace each one is truly unique and worth cherishing.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 44 - A bit of Orange

We spent our last day in California getting to know the adorable town of Orange
It is full of antique shops, one of a kind restaurants, and Starbucks inside banks (?)
Anyway, it was hard to say goodbye to our trip and our little tiny bird (my sis Myk)

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