So this is the "Feature Wall" at one of my projects - it didn't photograph too well but you get the basic idea
Anyway, the client is happy with it, so I am happy with it
How the client's employees feel about it is a whole other story...
When polled: 19 people didn't care about it, 48 responded positively, and 36 responded negatively
I was present for one lady saying, "the panel with red strings looks like blood splatters"...
And a man that said, "it looks like a Jackson Pollack...but a bad one"
Haha. The truth is, it just made me can't please everyone
So I guess pleasing your client and half the people that work for them is pretty good
haha it does not look like blood splatter at all, people are crazy. I like it a lot, I think maybe their building just needs better lighting. Good work silly, I love the colors and play with textures!